Run Groups — OnGrid

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Run Groups

Run Group description and details


Run Groups

OnGrid offers a range of run groups, for our events, which are classed by driver skill and track experience. Below are our run groups, along with a detailed description of each group. Please use this as a guide in order to place yourself in the correct run group.

*Any extra requirements will be stated on the event page*


GROUP 1 (Beginner)

  1. Group 1 is generally intended for drivers with little to no previous track experience. About 3 or less days of experience.

  2. Group 1 caters to drivers with minimal track experience or drivers who are still becoming comfortable with High Performance Driving Events.

  3. This group allows drivers to focus on furthering their comfort during High Performance Driving Events along with allowing each participant to become familiar with the correct racing line without being pressured.

  4. Point By Passing is Mandatory and only allowed on the straights. No Passing In Corners Allowed.

GROUP 2 (Low Intermediate)

  1. Group 2 is similar to Group 1 however it is built for drivers with more experience and awareness than in Group 1.

  2. This Group is intended for drivers with a medium level of track experience (4 days experience minimum)

  3. This Group is intended for drivers with a good understanding of track awareness and etiquette.

  4. Point-by passing is Mandatory and allowed anywhere on track.

driver - trimmed.jpg

GROUP 3 (High Intermediate)

  1. Group 3 is similar to Group 2 however it is built for drivers with more experience and awareness than Group 2.

  2. This group is intended for drivers with a good understanding of track awareness and etiquette.

  3. This group is intended for drivers with a medium level of track experience (9 days experience minimum)

  4. Open passing is allowed on all straights, however point-by passing is required in all corners.


  1. Group 4 is built for drivers with a greater amount of track experience and understanding of driving on racetracks (13 days experience minimum).

  2. Group 4 and Group 5 have the same rules and regulations, but group 4 is built for drivers who run slower lap times.

  3. This group allows open passing anywhere, by everyone, on the track. Point-by passing is greatly appreciated, but not required.

  4. This run group is based around lap times and track experience.


  1. Group 5 is our fastest run group (20 days experience minimum)

  2. Group 5 is built for the fastest cars and drivers at any driving event OnGrid hosts.

  3. This group allows open passing anywhere, by everyone, on the track. Point-by passing is greatly appreciated, but not required.

  4. This run group is based around lap times and track experience.


OnGrid reserves the right to change you from the group you originally registered for, into another group, if we do not feel you meet the criteria for your registered run group.  Please Make Sure You Register For The Appropriate Run Group.

These are generally our run groups, however, sometimes we modify and add extra groups if needed to accommodate drivers and keep the car count in groups low.